Muhammad in Mecca and Medina
Saudi Arabia for Muslims around the world - is primarily a country which lived on the territory of the great prophet of Islam Mohammed.
Up until the VII century, Saudi Arabia was inhabited by warlike tribes of nomads. Merge these warring tribes was only the founder of Islam Muhammad (c. 570-632) and his followers. When it became a political Medina and Mecca - the religious center of the Arab world. After the death of the individual prophet sura sent down to him at the time of revelation, it was summarized in the Muslim holy book - the Koran. sunset period established in the time of Muhammad's great empire came only in 1517, when the Ottomans conquered this country. In the XVIII century the Arabian Peninsula gained adherents extremely harsh Islamic teachings ibn Abd al-Wahhab, but in 1818 they were again driven out by the Ottomans. Shortly before the outbreak of World War II Ibn Saud (1880-1953), after whom was named Saudi Arabia, succeeded with the help of the British to regain independence. In 1926 he proclaimed himself king. The Saudi dynasty ruled the country until today. In absolute monarchy is banned all political parties and trade unions. Saudis have to reckon with a complex system of traditional power structures within the tribes and clans.COUNTRY oil rigs and mosques
All life in Saudi Arabia revolves around oil and religion. The country, where the main shrine of the Muslim world, the city of Mecca, draws its apparent prosperity of the inexhaustible source of the oil.Saudi Arabia, the largest country of the Muslim world, lies between the Red Sea and the Persian Gulf. Along the Red Sea coast stretches Hejaz mountain range, some of which reach a height ranges of 3,000 m. In the central part of the country to the mountains adjacent Dahna vast areas of desert, on the eastern edge of which is the country's capital Riyadh. Dry river bed - wadi, lined with date trees, sometimes for years do not get a drop of water. Therefore, solving the main problems of the peninsula - water - the responsibility of the giant installation of seawater desalination. Through the implementation of these audacious projects many areas before lifeless desert turned into blossoming oases, in the fertile lands which even tomatoes grown under irrigation. In this desert country there are more than a quarter of the world's oil reserves, the basis of the Saudi economy. Symbol of its wealth began stretching beyond the horizon countless oil rigs along the coast of the Persian Gulf. Its religious significance country owes two sacred to all Muslims of the cities, Mecca and Medina. Every year millions of Muslim pilgrims flock to Mecca to worship the Kaaba, the sacred stone of Abraham.
HELPFUL INFORMATION■ The holy cities of Mecca and Medina, located in Saudi Arabia, are closed to non-Muslims.■ Near the village Ravar is the world's largest oil field, which extends for 230 km in length.■ Purebred Arabian breed horses are constantly won the most prestigious race in Europe and America.■ Shortly before the end of the Hajj pilgrims traditionally have hair cut - perfect wage for thousands of hairdressers, descend on Mecca from all around.■ Coffee ceremony is an important element of the culture of Saudi Arabia It offers very strong coffee without sugar, richly flavored with cardamom.ATTRACTION■ Jeddah (bazaar, Eve's tomb)
.■ Riyadh (Royal University Library, New Town)
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